Welcome to our new home

Evalex recently moved into a new space in Rivonia, not far from our old offices in Wessel Road.
“With all the recent growth we’ve been experiencing as a business, we required larger premises to accommodate a bigger team,” says Evalex MD, Hendrik Bronkhorst. “Our new offices have been designed to encourage team collaboration and engagement while ensuring a continued strong candidate experience and efficiency of processes to meet our clients’ needs.”
The new offices – at 51 Wessel Road, Edenburg, Rivonia (a block away from our old offices) – include a range of custom spaces to make the assessment and feedback process a lot more comfortable and convenient.
“We have six private assessment pods where candidates can work on their own without being disturbed,” says Hendrik. “There are also two feedback rooms that allow our psychologists to have private conversations with clients over the phone when necessary.”
The space has a welcoming, modern, creative feel to it, incorporating conference rooms of different sizes, breakaway areas for casual meetings, and a training auditorium that can accommodate up to 20 delegates.
“Clients are more than welcome to make use of the space whenever they need it,” says Hendrik. “We even have a gym to help us keep our bodies keep as fit as our minds!”


The new space incorporates conference rooms of different sizes as well as breakaway areas for casual meetings

The new training room can accommodate up to 20 delegates

Six private assessment pods allow candidates to work on their own without being disturbed

Alternating open plan and glass-walled spaces encourage collaboration within the team and create an aura of space