Evalex Competence
Evalex Competence is one of the most elegant and effective systems for profiling roles and assessing individuals against them. In the design and development of the Evalex Competence system we focused on what companies need to achieve when profiling positions and people. Evalex Competence also enables your organisation to do comprehensive skills audits.
Evalex Competence offers the following:
A competence library consisting of 23 domains, including finance, sales, operations and manufacturing. More than 700 technical, behavioural, leadership and strategic competencies are described in detail across all domains, with the requirement at six levels of work for each
- Both level of complexity and level of competence are assessed
- Individuals are either assessed against a job profile or on competence acquired through work experience. Assessment against the job profile indicates job fit, whereas assessment of competencies generates an individual competence map, providing a more holistic view of the person’s human capital value to your organisation. This is particularly relevant for organisations that link remuneration to competence rather than job level
- A high level corporate skills risk profile, which indicates the key competencies for corporate survival and the extent of risk/strength of each, allowing you to prioritise these for talent acquisition and development
- Individual Competence Map (ICM): Why read through an applicant’s CV to try and work out what competencies they have acquired over their entire work life experience? Then how do you compare multiple applicants to determine best position fit? In doing an Evalex Competence Inventory (ECI) you will be provided with an ICM for each applicant, with data analytics for easy comparisons. The ICM is a heat-map indicating where in your organisation an individual will fit best
- Career path planning: The ICM provides clear direction as to which career path within a job family or in the broader organisation the individual can follow
- Succession planning: The system can provide a succession shortlist for each position indicating percentage fit for each candidate as well as what development should take place building up to the impending promotion.
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Business Acumen: Organisation Insight Scale
Business Comprehension Test (BCT)
Cognitive Functioning: Business Comprehension Test
Culture/360 Questionnaire
Decision Effectiveness
e-Recruitment Psychometrics
Evalex Business Simulation
Evalex Competence Inventory
Evalex Leadership Assessment and Coaching
Evalex Psychometrics
EvaleX30 Evalex35 and Evalex40
Integrity: IP200
Interests: Work Orientation Scale
Interests: Work Type Orientation Scale
Job Profiles
Masters of Management Programme
Odyssey Assessment
Organisation Design Product
Performance Reviews and Job Grading
Personality: Organisation Personality Construct Scale
Strategy Facilitation and Review