Evalex Talent
The Evalex Talent module, one of the many modules in the broader Evalex Talent Management System, equips your organisation with one of the most advanced talent management and analytics solutions on the market.
Evalex Talent is an incredibly sophisticated software application that combines multiple inputs to produce a talent classification and utilisation strategy for each leader in your organisation. The results are then aggregated to determine your company’s talent landscape and the strength of talent at each management level.The talent application allows you to create your own corporate talent framework, themes and classifications. The system has the power to accumulate the data for these on each leader in your company through a sophisticated algorithm to produce the talent classifications.
The process consists of four steps, as indicated in the diagram.
The first phase comprises the online Evalex Leadership Assessment. Each individual’s talent is assessed according to cognition, thought leadership, leadership competence and personality, providing the basis for the talent feedback session. During these sessions the assessment results are combined with factors around the individual’s performance, values and attitudes, aspirations and management opinion. These inputs are combined to determine the individual’s talent classification.
These inputs are processed through a well-researched and defined algorithm which results in a number of metrics such as Current Position Fit (CPF), Intellectual Capital Value (ICV), Career Velocity (CV) and Potential Velocity (PV)
These metrics in turn derive both a talent classification and position on a nine-box grid as well as a utilisation and development strategy for each manager and collectively the talent landscape of your organisation.
The system caters for a wide range of talent classifications. These classifications have been developed through years of research and observation of the type of talent encountered in most organisations. For each talent classification a utilisation strategy is also proposed.
The diagram below shows the normal distribution of talent across the different levels of work. Level 50/55 would be company CEO, with distribution gradually tapering down to Level 20, which would be supervisory level.
Individual talent classifications feed into the company’s talent framework to develop a talent statement and inform the overall talent strategy.
Evalex Talent is a powerful tool to define your organisation’s talent landscape.