Evalex’s David Bischof at the 2018 Unisa Consulting Psychology Conference

David Bischof, our business development director, presented at The UNISA 2018 Consulting Psychology Conference on 16 August. His paper was entitled ‘Consulting psychologist as scientist-practitioner: The impact of advancing technology’.
David’s presentation focused on on the impact of advancing technology for consulting psychologists in relation to assessment, development and talent management. The impact of current trends regarding artificial intelligence, gamification, and ‘the internet of things’ was explored.
Furthermore, the vast gap between technology and South African legislation was discussed with an update on current events affecting the South African testing and assessment landscape provided. This included information on the implications of the 2017 Court case win by the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) with regard to the amendment to section 8 of the Employment Equity Act of 1998 (EEA) and what this meant for the ethical use of assessment and tests in South Africa.
Furthermore, information was shared by David on the outcomes of a SIOPSA breakfast held during May 2018 which included discussions regarding the ethical use of assessments, legislative implications and the impact of a ‘New generation of tests’ on our environment. The session provided an opportunity for participants to ask questions regarding the ethical use of tests and assessments in the South African context and the impact of advancing technology in this space.