Evalex Scenario Assessments – tailor made to your requirements

With our access to cutting-edge technology and experience in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in assessment centre development, Evalex has created customised leadership scenarios that can be tailor-made more specifically to various roles and organisational requirements.
This approach provides our clients with the opportunity to select and use assessments at a more focused level, relevant to the inherent leadership requirements of the role and/or the organisation.
The ESA is online, reliable, valid, benchmarked, aligned to Levels of Work, AI-enabled, measuring competencies for the new world of work, but provides the following differentiators from a standard leadership assessment centre:
- One overall organisational context presented to all candidates; a choice of nine scenarios, each with four key events or situations to handle
- More focused assessment of areas such as HR, sales, operations and finance
- Modularised scenarios can be chosen based on role, setting or environment
- The simulation experience can be customised
- Inclusion of new dimensions such as digital maturity, sales acumen and financial acumen
- Ability to create new, customised and organisation-specific scenarios
- Faster completion time
- Lower price point
- Digital reporting

Below is a graphic example of how scenarios can be selected based on more specific job requirements and leadership events:

The following example indicates how an assessment configuration can be created to specific roles and organisational requirements:

Participant digital development portal and reporting
Our ESA assessment solutions provide participants with access to our cutting edge online digital development report. Participants are sent a link to their assessment results. The results application allows them to compare themselves against current and future aspirational positions and to identify strengths and development areas in order to build a personal development plan.

Evalex Business Simulations
For a more comprehensive view of leadership competence, our Evalex Business Simulations (EBS) provide our clients with an online, cloud-based assessment centre comprising six simulations. These are applicable not only to the employment decision process, but also in developmental scenarios where a diagnosis of key competencies is required for leadership development and talent planning.
Through the EBS, Evalex has infused psychometric and assessment centre technology with AI and cognitive computing to produce strong predictive analytics.
The EBS (also known as the virtual assessment centre) is based on a leadership model postulating that to be successful a manager must deal effectively with six key leadership situations. Underpinning these situations are thought leadership and emotional maturity.
Some of the core differentiators of the EBS are:
- Online, cloud-based assessment centre
- AI-enabled
- Benchmark of more than 11 000 leaders who have completed the simulation
- Aligned and benchmarked to levels of work
- Proven reliability and validity through numerous research studies in a South African context
- Extensively trained assessors
- Measures dimensions such as business acumen, creativity and innovation, judgment, initiative, accountability, collaboration and interactive sensitivity
- Used for selection, development and talent management
The six simulations are:

Evalex seamless online systems and processes
Evalex provides a seamless assessment administration, scoring, reporting and feedback process to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in a client’s assessment process. The below graphic shows the relevant stages of this process:
For more information on our Evalex Scenario Assessments and our Evalex Business Simulations please contact [email protected].