The Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South Africa (SIOPSA) holds a yearly conference, and this year the event will take place between 1 and 3 December 2020. With the current Covid-19 situation, SIOPSA has decided to move the conference online through the Whova conference app. Evalex and Odyssey are proud members of the SIOPSA Executive team, and we attend and sponsor the conference in a va...
Who would have guessed that 2020 would be the year in which most of the
world became experts in remote working (and baking, crafting, online kick
boxing and home schooling)?! We may not have predicted it, yet we find
ourselves in this unique situation where we have to very quickly learn how to
sink or swim. For some, working remotely is a dream come true and for others it
is the opposite. It may not be fair to a...
Odyssey Talent Management (OTM) is a proudly South African assesstech company that was formed to address a clear gap in the assessment market: A locally developed assessment battery designed and developed from the ground up, catering for developing economies where many people are unable to find employment through the normal recruitment and selection channels.
Traditional screening based on education excludes...
Evalex and Covid-19
and Odyssey Talent Management have been monitoring the developing Covid-19
situation since March 2020, when President Ramaphosa first announced the
country-wide lockdown.
the course of the pandemic we have issued a number of communications that focus
on the extraordinary – and sometimes surprisingly ordinary! – responses that
are required to maintain a fully functionin...
Richard Landers, associate professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota in the USA, will be discussing gamification in the assessment centre domain in a live webinar on Thursday, 13 August 2020 at 17:30 CAT.
Gamification is a hot topic right now in the AC space and there have been some incredible advancements made in the field in recent times. Be sure not to miss this informative session!
CPD poi...
The South African Board for People Practices (SABPP) has released its August 2020 factsheet. The document was compiled by a number of subject matter experts, including Evalex’s business development director David Bischof. David is also the current chairperson for Assessment Standards South African (ASSA) and the People Assessments in Industry (PAI), an interest group that forms a part of the Society for I...
Covid-19 pandemic has put the need for organisations to understand, identify
and strengthen the resilience of their organisations and employees at the
forefront of business strategies.
Resilience is a quality displayed by individuals who are able to remain calm during a crisis and move on from disruptive events or situations without experiencing negative long-term consequences.
individuals a...
Our previous blogs highlighted the impact of Covid-19 on the recruitment and development space and provided suggestions on how to effectively leverage technology and assessments to assist in these areas. (Links to these blogs appear at the end of this article.)
this highly uncertain Covid-19 period, many organisations have taken a uniform
approach to freezing their interviewing and onboarding processes...
Many blogs posted recently focus on how individuals, teams and organisations can use the downturn in normal business activity to remain positive, to plan, and to find unexpected opportunity to add value to their stakeholders.
From an educational point of view, universities both in South
Africa and around the world, have had to adapt to lockdown conditions, and are
experimenting with the use of online classes ...
Discover how an innovative virtual development platform can help candidates access and interact with their leadership and psychometric assessment results.
Most people love finding out interesting things about themselves and how they operate, what their strength and development areas are, and how they interact with other people and their environment. Alright, maybe most people do not love finding out what thei...